Missing Julie - rehearsed reading by Theatr Clwyd November 5th 2020


Missing Julie - Online Reading

by Kaite O'Reilly

Thu 5 Nov 7:30pm

A free live-streamed reading of Kaite O’Reilly’s new version of Strindberg’s Miss Julie.

Miss Julie, the heiress of a Welsh stately home, finds herself in a world radically changed by The Great War. Robbed of marriage after the carnage in the trenches, she is one of the ‘surplus women’, facing the possibility of a solitary life. In one night of desperate liberation, it seems that the old hierarchies may be over… Will she dare to break all taboos with her servant, John?

Freely adapted from Strindberg's play about class and social Darwinism, Missing Julie gives the controversial classic a twentieth century twist.


Commissioned by Theatr Clwyd

Kaite O'Reilly