As a playwright, I work in a variety of different theatre styles, from character-led domestic dramas such as Cosy and The Almond and The Seahorse, to post-dramatic texts such as the 9 Fridas, a performance mosaic after Frida Kahlo, to montaged monologues like In Water I’m Weightless. Content dictates form, along with the particular dynamic I want to create between the spectacle and the spectator, so I am constantly experimenting with aesthetic and dramaturgy.

As a collaborator and performance practitioner, I work predominantly with Phillip Zarrilli and The Llanarth Group, for whom I am resident dramaturg, exploring alternative and intercultural dramaturgies and aesthetics. International collaborations include playing ‘The Maids’ with Korean, Singaporean-Chinese and Irish co-creators.
Production: 9 Fridas
Production: Told by the Wind
Production: playing 'the maids'
Production: rehearsals for Cosy
Production: In Water I'm Weightless

Disability arts and culture
Theatre is the study of what it is to be human, yet for so long the western theatrical tradition has illuminated only part of the stage, consigning many to the shadows. Since 2003 I have been developing ‘alternative dramaturgies informed by a Deaf and disability perspective,’ working within subversive and innovative disability arts and culture.