'Cosy' at Cork Midsummer Festival 2019
The Cast of Gaitkrash’s ‘Cosy’. Cork Midsummer Festival 2019.
Kaite O’Reilly’s darkly comic play combines an unflinching examination of our attitudes to youth, ageing, and death in an often hilarious and moving encounter between three generations of women.
“It’s like I’ve disappeared. I walk down the road and throw no shadow.”
“That’s what getting older does for you.”
Rose wants an exit plan that is bold and invigorating, but her three warring daughters have other ideas. We all have to die, but what makes a good death? Everyone seems to have an opinion: Rose’s daughters, her precocious granddaughter and even the strange Welsh woman taking refuge in the garden.
18 June - 22 June 8.00pm
Firkin Crane, Cork
Book here
Supported by an Arts Council Project Award., CIT Arts Office, UCC Department of Theatre, CIT Cork School of Music, Civic Trust House, Suisha Inclusive Arts, and The Guesthouse.